Monday, September 8, 2008

Jane need to be strong

Jane love to travel but her father wouldn't let her go alone just because she not strong enough.
She ask me to hunt for her some horny cap mushroom and wild boar tooth. I know is not small amount but a lot .
So here my tip; go to sleepywood through Henesys then go to ant hill 1 there horny mushroom roam freely there; after you complete 1st part of quest exit ant hill 1 and get out from sleepywood town and heads to north you must exit north gate near to Perion. Becareful and prepare with full HP and MP , monster may be roam at exit portal .
Now you can search for wild boar there and start hunting.
After I complete 2nd part I teleport by using Lith Habour scroll and find Jane.

*** this quest complete ***

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